Oracle Event Hub Cloud Service: What you need to know about Topic Names

There are a number of things related to topics in Oracle Event Hub service that everybody should be aware of:

  • Oracle Event Hub topics created with the web console are automatically prefixed with the OPC ID domain.
  • Event hub topics can be created via the Kafka command-line from any host (assuming you allow the clients to access Event Hub CS). These topics are not prefixed with the OPC ID domain.
  • Topics created with the CLI (without ID domain prefix) are not shown in the service console.

IMHO, this is behaviour is not very useful for various reasons:

  • If you are planning to use Event Hub as a drop in replacement for another Kafka installation you won’t be able to create the proper topic names for already existing topics with the service console.
  • You have to add the ID domain prefix in every client. This is particularly bad e.g. for a Java producer. Hard-coded ID domains will show up sooner or later in the source code.
  • Being forced to use the ID domain prefix in every client might turn out to be a security issue. Did you note that most bloggers blacken their ID domains in screenshots when writing about OPC?



  1. […] Voila, it is working ? You can explore your topics or even create new ones. Note that  Oracle Event Hub uses a special naming convention for topics. […]

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