WebLogic 12c Configuration Management: Change Your Defaults to Track What Happens

Good morning. I just finished the chapter about configuration management for my new WebLogic book. Here is a very short summary of it.

There is a number of default configuration settings that I recommend to change to better keep track of configuration changes. The screencast showing you hands-on how to do this is still rendering and will be available once you are reading this (you can subscribe to all of them here).

After creating a WebLogic domain, consider the following:


1.) User personalized administration users.

2.) Audit WebLogic configuration changes (including usernames) so you will know who changed what.

3.) Enable the configuration archiving so you will be able to revert to a previous set of configuration files.


None of these settings are enabled per default. All of this you should think about for your environment.

Here is the three-part screencast how to enable it (switch to HD quality and full screen).

Another Myth Debunked: More than 200 Continuous Redeployments with WebLogic

The other day I overheard the myth that you simply cannot redeploy several times with WebLogic because inevitably you would end up having an out of memory error. Since I am currently writing on an WebLogic 12c book I decided to verify that.

Certainly this depends a lot on your heap settings and what your application is doing, eg. it is easier to get it wrong if you are writing your own classloaders etc. I certainly admit that these problems, if they occur, are particularly hard to sort out.

Hands-on Test

More important you should detect them early. So go and test it! It’s a simple 10 line WLST script. I have done it for you to verifiy if there is a general problem with redeployment in WebLogic.

I redeployed the MedRec application over 200 times. MedRec comes with the WebLogic 12c installation (only if you decide to install the samples). It consists of  over 20 EJBs, a web part and a few web services.

The sample domain can be found in the WL_HOME/samples/domains/medrec directory.


A little WLST script that you can download does the trick (it’s a quick hack, you can certainly beautify and add error handling to it!). Download it (it comes zipped) and unzip it to the domain directory. It even contains comments about how to run it.

The script deploys the MedRec application (so undeploy it first!), waits for 30 seconds, undeploys, waits again and deploys again. At the same time it prints the number of loaded classes, heap and non-heap runtime values.


I was running this experiment for 200 redeployments. Apart from the output of the program, I recorded some data plots with jconsole.

The non-heap usage after 200 redeployments is shown on the following screenshot.

Everything was fine. I guess I could also do 1000 redeployments. I just stopped it because I got bored. I believe it would go on forever and I needed to shut down my computer.


Also here is the heap usage:


So test your own application deployment! It’s an easy test. IMHO it should be run for every important application. Add it to your tests when load testing the application.

Also I recommend to create some load for the app while it’s deployed. You may want shorten the interval between the deployments to a few seconds to get more deployments done faster.

Let me know if it breaks in your case 😉

Also stay informed about other exciting topics covered in the my WebLogic 12c book. I just created a Youtube channel with many WebLogic 12c screencasts (more to come every week).


WebLogic Startup Mode: Development or Production? The (hopefully) Complete List of Differences

Let me quickly summarize the all differences between development and production startup mode for WebLogic 12c and previous versions. Information about it is scattered across the Oracle documentation and several blog postings but non of those I checked were complete.


Startup Mode

Development                     Production

Auto deployment
(to admin server only)

Yes No

Automatically created
boot.properties for Admin server only under

Yes No

Nodemanger username and password

default admin

SSL demo certificates cause warning in log files

No Yes

Log file are rotated at server startup

Yes No

On demand deployment of internal applications as default

Yes No

Availability of web service test client

Yes No

Availability of Classloader Analysis Tool

Yes No

Availability of Fast Swap

Yes No

Change Center Enabled

No Yes

Default start parameters
when using Sun JDK and the default
startWebLogic script 



The following settings in the weblogic.xml deployment descriptors default to -1:





No Yes



Differences in previous WebLogic versions:

Up to WebLogic 11:

Default JDK used for new domain

Sun JRockit

Up to WebLogic 8 only:
Default number of execute threads

15 25

Up to WebLogic 8 only:
maximum number of JDBC connections default setting

15 25



There is different ways to configure the WebLogic startup mode:

  1. The startup mode can be configured with the admin console, as shown on the screenshot below (requires a restart). Once it’s set to production mode it cannot be reverted with the admin console.
  2. Supply the -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=true switch as startup parameter
  3. Set the PRODUCTION_MODE variable in the setDomainEnv script in the directory DOMAIN_NAME/bin.

What you should know

Some issues to be aware of:

  • The differences between the two settings depend on the WebLogic version. This can be a bit confusing when you are running different environments with different versions. See the table above: For WebLogic 8 the maximum number of connections in a JDBC connection pool defaults to 25 in production mode (but 15 in development mode); for WebLogic 12c it defaults to 15 in both cases.
  • You cannot revert to development mode from the WebLogic admin console. It’s like the child-proof lock in the back of your car. I understand that is makes sense to protect the children in the back seat your car from themselves but you are are logged with the admin role – still you cannot revert to development mode using the admin console.
  • Autodeployment is not used that much anymore since it only deploys to the admin server – so it doesn’t make sense for a production domain. What if you are a developer? Then your IDE is deploying to the admin server, that is correct – but your IDE is typically not using autodeployment.
  • Note, that there will be a randomly set user and password for nodemanager when creating your domain in production mode with config.sh (see comments from Jacco).
  • You cannot disable the change center in production mode


Something I forgot? I appreciate your feedback.


[A more detailed discussion with directions will be part of my upcoming WebLogic 12c book]

WebLogic Scripting Tool on Capsaicin: j4psh JMX Shell with Syntax Highlighting, Wildcards and Tab-Completion

[This posting will be a part of my upcoming WebLogic 12c book]

Kudos Oracle! Over a year ago I mentioned in my Oracle Middleware and Cloud Computing book that developing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) scripts with vi or Notepad++ is so 80’ies. It took you only a couple of months to respond with an Eclipse facet. Now everyone can use the bundled Eclipse with OEPE for WLST scripting . Thanks for that – even if you had it on your to-do list anyway 😉

WLST itself is a fantastic tool to interactively explore WebLogic MBean world with all their attributes, operations, and relationships (it’s described here – did I mention that this post is not for the beginners?). WLST is using its own proprietary syntax to navigate to MBeans though.

Are you willing to look beyond your own backyard? Ready to move to real MBean names? Then let’s spice it up.


j4psh JMX Shell

j4psh is a JMX shell which is using standard MBean names, provides syntax highlighting together with code completion and even wildcard patterns! In j4psh you will be using similar command as in WLST. Here is an incomplete list of the most useful commands:

  • connect, to connect to an Java EE server with the jolokia.war deployed or using the Java agent
  • pwd, to find out the current MBean name or domain
  • cd, to navigate to an MBean or domain
  • ls, to list MBean details (works with * and can be restricted as “ls -a” for attributes and “ls -o” for operations).
  • cat, to display attribute values

Unlike WLST, where every command is basically a Python method, the j4psh syntax is as easy as it gets.



For the bigger picture how j4psh can be downloaded, installed and how nicely it fits into the  Jolokia open source project see my previous posting.



In my opinion j4psh is easiest to understand when seen in action, so here are two examples of j4psh sessions.


1.) Basic usage of j4psh with WebLogic. The JMX “HelloWord”: enabling verbose garbage collection without server restart.


2.) Advanced Usage of j4psh with WebLogic: How to find the right MBean for a JDBC connection? Retrieve JMX attributes from JDBC connection pool, then use the MBean Name for the same RESTful request.


Give it a try! It’s free anyway. And let me know what you think!
And by the way, after writing about open source Jolokia, I am now determined to grow a real Jolokia plant myself…

Update: Many thanks to the Jolokia team 😉 for the plant!!

RESTful WebLogic Monitoring of Servers, Applications, JDBC and JMS with Jolokia

[This posting will be a part of my upcoming WebLogic 12c book]

This article is part II of III. Make sure you read part I explaining the basics of monitoring WebLogic with WLST, the WebLogic 12c REST-ful management API and the open source framework Jolokia.

There will be a part III in a few of days, explaining how to use j4psh with WebLogic. j4psh is a JMX shell that resembles WLST in interactive mode but includes features such as syntax highlighting and tab-completion of commands and MBean names. j4psh is highly useful to interactively find out the correct MBean names used for the requests below.

WebLogic with Jolokia

Did you ever wonder how to retrieve the configuration values for a WebLogic managed server, runtime data of a JDBC connection pool or the number of messages in a particular JMS queue with a fast and simple HTTP GET?

The examples show typical use cases for monitoring a WebLogic domain with the following configuration:

– Admin server running at localhost:7001
– Managed server with name surf1 running at localhost:7003
– JDBC datasource with the name emergencyDB and associated connection pool (target set to surf1)
– JMS configuration with a JMS server surfJMS running on managed server surf1, a module surfJMSModule containing a queue name jms/ShippingRequestQueue (target of JMS server is surf1, JMS module subdeployment set to surfJMS)
– A deployment of a web service with the name SubmitOrder and target AdminServer and surf1.

An installation of Jolokia with target set to all server of the domain is recommended to follow the examples in this part.


General: List Configuration Details of Managed Server with Name surf1


Note, that without the ?ignoreErrors=true parameter the request would fail with an “NoAccessRuntimeException” because you cannot access the SSL keystore passphrases without proper authentication. Authentication is easily possible, but beyond of the scope of this article.

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334778534,
  "value" : { "AcceptBacklog" : 300,
      "AddWorkManagerThreadsByCpuCount" : false,
      "AdminReconnectIntervalSeconds" : 10,
      "AdministrationPort" : 9002,
      "AdministrationPortEnabled" : false,
      "AdministrationProtocol" : "t3s",
      "AutoKillIfFailed" : false,
      "AutoMigrationEnabled" : false,
      "AutoRestart" : true,
      "COM" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=COM" },
      "COMEnabled" : false,
      "CandidateMachines" : [  ],
      "ClasspathServletDisabled" : false,
      "ClientCertProxyEnabled" : false,
      "Cluster" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surfCluster,Type=Cluster" },
      "ClusterRuntime" : null,
      "ClusterWeight" : 100,
      "CoherenceClusterSystemResource" : null,
      "CompleteCOMMessageTimeout" : -1,
      "CompleteHTTPMessageTimeout" : -1,
      "CompleteIIOPMessageTimeout" : -1,
      "CompleteMessageTimeout" : 60,
      "CompleteT3MessageTimeout" : -1,
      "ConnectTimeout" : 0,
      "ConsensusProcessIdentifier" : -1,
      "ConsoleInputEnabled" : false,
      "CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName" : null,
      "CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "CustomIdentityKeyStoreType" : null,
      "CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName" : null,
      "CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhrase" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhrase, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "CustomTrustKeyStoreType" : null,
      "DGCIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout" : 5,
      "DataSource" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=DataSource" },
      "DefaultFileStore" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=DefaultFileStore" },
      "DefaultIIOPPassword" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: DefaultIIOPPassword, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "DefaultIIOPUser" : null,
      "DefaultInternalServletsDisabled" : false,
      "DefaultProtocol" : "t3",
      "DefaultSecureProtocol" : "t3s",
      "DefaultTGIOPPassword" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: DefaultTGIOPPassword, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "DefaultTGIOPPasswordEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: DefaultTGIOPPasswordEncrypted (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "DefaultTGIOPUser" : "guest",
      "ExecuteQueues" : [  ],
      "ExpectedToRun" : true,
      "ExternalDNSName" : null,
      "ExtraEjbcOptions" : null,
      "ExtraRmicOptions" : null,
      "FederationServices" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=FederationServices" },
      "GatheredWritesEnabled" : false,
      "GracefulShutdownTimeout" : 0,
      "HealthCheckIntervalSeconds" : 180,
      "HealthCheckStartDelaySeconds" : 120,
      "HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds" : 60,
      "HostsMigratableServices" : true,
      "HttpTraceSupportEnabled" : false,
      "HttpdEnabled" : true,
      "IIOP" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=IIOP" },
      "IIOPEnabled" : true,
      "IIOPTxMechanism" : "ots",
      "IdleConnectionTimeout" : 65,
      "IdleIIOPConnectionTimeout" : -1,
      "IdlePeriodsUntilTimeout" : 4,
      "IgnoreSessionsDuringShutdown" : false,
      "InstrumentStackTraceEnabled" : true,
      "InterfaceAddress" : null,
      "JDBCLLRTableName" : null,
      "JDBCLoggingEnabled" : false,
      "JDBCLoginTimeoutSeconds" : 0,
      "JMSDefaultConnectionFactoriesEnabled" : true,
      "JMSThreadPoolSize" : 15,
      "JNDITransportableObjectFactoryList" : [  ],
      "JTAMigratableTarget" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=JTAMigratableTarget" },
      "JavaCompiler" : "javac",
      "JavaCompilerPostClassPath" : null,
      "JavaCompilerPreClassPath" : null,
      "JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "KernelDebug" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=ServerDebug" },
      "KeyStores" : "DemoIdentityAndDemoTrust",
      "ListenAddress" : "",
      "ListenDelaySecs" : 0,
      "ListenPort" : 7003,
      "ListenPortEnabled" : true,
      "ListenThreadStartDelaySecs" : 60,
      "ListenersBindEarly" : false,
      "Log" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=Log" },
      "LogRemoteExceptionsEnabled" : false,
      "LoginTimeoutMillis" : 5000,
      "LowMemoryGCThreshold" : 5,
      "LowMemoryGranularityLevel" : 5,
      "LowMemorySampleSize" : 10,
      "LowMemoryTimeInterval" : 3600,
      "MSIFileReplicationEnabled" : false,
      "Machine" : null,
      "ManagedServerIndependenceEnabled" : true,
      "MaxCOMMessageSize" : -1,
      "MaxHTTPMessageSize" : -1,
      "MaxIIOPMessageSize" : -1,
      "MaxMessageSize" : 10000000,
      "MaxOpenSockCount" : -1,
      "MaxT3MessageSize" : -1,
      "MessageIdPrefixEnabled" : false,
      "MessagingBridgeThreadPoolSize" : 5,
      "MuxerClass" : null,
      "NMSocketCreateTimeoutInMillis" : 180000,
      "Name" : "surf1",
      "NativeIOEnabled" : true,
      "NetworkAccessPoints" : [  ],
      "Notes" : null,
      "OutboundEnabled" : false,
      "OutboundPrivateKeyEnabled" : false,
      "OverloadProtection" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=OverloadProtection" },
      "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surfandconsulting,Type=Domain" },
      "PeriodLength" : 60000,
      "PreferredSecondaryGroup" : null,
      "ReliableDeliveryPolicy" : null,
      "ReplicationGroup" : null,
      "ReplicationPorts" : null,
      "RestartDelaySeconds" : 0,
      "RestartIntervalSeconds" : 3600,
      "RestartMax" : 2,
      "ReverseDNSAllowed" : false,
      "SSL" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=SSL" },
      "ScatteredReadsEnabled" : false,
      "SelfTuningThreadPoolSizeMax" : 400,
      "SelfTuningThreadPoolSizeMin" : 1,
      "ServerDebug" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=ServerDebug" },
      "ServerDiagnosticConfig" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=WLDFServerDiagnostic" },
      "ServerLifeCycleTimeoutVal" : 30,
      "ServerStart" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=ServerStart" },
      "ServerVersion" : "unknown",
      "SingleSignOnServices" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=SingleSignOnServices" },
      "SocketBufferSizeAsChunkSize" : false,
      "SocketReaders" : -1,
      "StagingDirectoryName" : "/u01/domains/surfandconsulting/servers/surf1/stage",
      "StagingMode" : "stage",
      "StartupMode" : "RUNNING",
      "StartupTimeout" : 0,
      "StuckThreadMaxTime" : 600,
      "StuckThreadTimerInterval" : 60,
      "SystemPasswordEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: SystemPasswordEncrypted (class weblogic.management.NoAccessRuntimeException)",
      "TGIOPEnabled" : true,
      "ThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders" : 33,
      "TimedOutRefIsolationTime" : 0,
      "TransactionLogFilePrefix" : "./",
      "TransactionLogFileWritePolicy" : "Direct-Write",
      "TransactionLogJDBCStore" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=TransactionLogJDBCStore" },
      "TunnelingClientPingSecs" : 45,
      "TunnelingClientTimeoutSecs" : 40,
      "TunnelingEnabled" : false,
      "Type" : "Server",
      "UploadDirectoryName" : "./servers/surf1/upload",
      "Use81StyleExecuteQueues" : false,
      "UseConcurrentQueueForRequestManager" : false,
      "UseFusionForLLR" : false,
      "VerboseEJBDeploymentEnabled" : "false",
      "VirtualMachineName" : "surfandconsulting_surf1",
      "WebServer" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=WebServer" },
      "WebService" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=WebService" },
      "WeblogicPluginEnabled" : false,
      "XMLEntityCache" : null,
      "XMLRegistry" : null

Deployment: List all Deployments

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Type=ApplicationRuntime,*",
 "type" : "search"
 "status" : 200,
 "timestamp" : 1334780578,
 "value" : [ "com.bea:Name=mejb,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=ApplicationRuntime",

Deployment: List Deployments Details for an Application with the Name SubmitOrder

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=SubmitOrder,ServerRuntime=*,Type=ApplicationRuntime",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334777478,
  "value" : { "com.bea:Name=SubmitOrder,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=ApplicationRuntime" : { "ActiveVersionState" : 2,
          "ApplicationName" : "SubmitOrder",
          "ApplicationVersion" : null,
          "ClassRedefinitionRuntime" : null,
          "CoherenceClusterRuntime" : null,
          "ComponentRuntimes" : [ { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=AdminServer_/SubmitOrder,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WebAppComponentRuntime" } ],
          "EAR" : false,
          "HealthState" : { "critical" : false,
              "mBeanName" : null,
              "mBeanType" : null,
              "reasonCode" : [  ],
              "state" : 0,
              "subsystemName" : null
          "KodoPersistenceUnitRuntimes" : [  ],
          "LibraryRuntimes" : null,
          "MaxThreadsConstraintRuntimes" : [  ],
          "MinThreadsConstraintRuntimes" : [  ],
          "Name" : "SubmitOrder",
          "OptionalPackageRuntimes" : [  ],
          "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=ServerRuntime" },
          "PersistenceUnitRuntimes" : [  ],
          "QueryCacheRuntimes" : [  ],
          "RequestClassRuntimes" : [  ],
          "Type" : "ApplicationRuntime",
          "WorkManagerRuntimes" : [ { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=default,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WorkManagerRuntime" } ],
          "WseeRuntimes" : [ { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=SubmitOrder!EntryWSProdService,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WseeRuntime" },
              { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=SubmitOrder!EntryWSService,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WseeRuntime" }
          "WseeV2Runtimes" : [  ]
        } }

JDBC Data Source: Retrieve Settings for emergencyDB Data Source with Target Managed Server surf1 Running at localhost:7003

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=emergencyDB,ServerRuntime=surf1,Type=JDBCDataSourceRuntime",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334823502,
  "value" : { "ActiveConnectionsAverageCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsHighCount" : 1,
      "ConnectionDelayTime" : 44,
      "ConnectionsTotalCount" : 1,
      "CurrCapacity" : 1,
      "CurrCapacityHighCount" : 1,
      "DatabaseProductName" : "Apache Derby",
      "DatabaseProductVersion" : " - (938214)",
      "DeploymentState" : 2,
      "DriverName" : "Apache Derby Network Client JDBC Driver",
      "DriverVersion" : " - (938214)",
      "Enabled" : true,
      "FailedReserveRequestCount" : 0,
      "FailuresToReconnectCount" : 0,
      "HighestNumAvailable" : 1,
      "HighestNumUnavailable" : 1,
      "JDBCDriverRuntime" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surfandconsulting_surf1_org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver,ServerRuntime=surf1,Type=JDBCDriverRuntime" },
      "LastTask" : null,
      "LeakedConnectionCount" : 0,
      "ModuleId" : "emergencyDB",
      "Name" : "emergencyDB",
      "NumAvailable" : 1,
      "NumUnavailable" : 0,
      "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=ServerRuntime" },
      "PrepStmtCacheAccessCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheAddCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheCurrentSize" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheDeleteCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheHitCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheMissCount" : 0,
      "Properties" : "ERROR: MBean getAttribute failed: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePermissionsException: User \"\" does not have permission to perform operation \"admin\" on resource \"emergencyDB\" of module \"null\" of application \"null\" of type \"ConnectionPool\" (class javax.management.MBeanException)",
      "ReserveRequestCount" : 1,
      "State" : "Running",
      "Type" : "JDBCDataSourceRuntime",
      "VersionJDBCDriver" : "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver",
      "WaitSecondsHighCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionFailureTotal" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionHighCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionSuccessTotal" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionTotal" : 0,
      "WorkManagerRuntimes" : null

JDBC Connection Pool: Find all JMS Servers with Target set to Managed Server Running at localhost:7003


which returns the JMS server surfJMS:

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=emergencyDB,ServerRuntime=surf1,Type=JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334823105,
  "value" : { "ActiveConnectionsAverageCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsHighCount" : 0,
      "ConnectionDelayTime" : 44,
      "ConnectionLeakProfileCount" : 0,
      "ConnectionsTotalCount" : 1,
      "CurrCapacity" : 1,
      "DeploymentState" : 2,
      "Enabled" : true,
      "FailuresToReconnectCount" : 0,
      "HighestNumAvailable" : 1,
      "HighestNumUnavailable" : 0,
      "LeakedConnectionCount" : 0,
      "MaxCapacity" : 15,
      "ModuleId" : "emergencyDB",
      "Name" : "emergencyDB",
      "NumAvailable" : 1,
      "NumUnavailable" : 0,
      "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=ServerRuntime" },
      "PoolState" : true,
      "Properties" : "ERROR: MBean getAttribute failed: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePermissionsException: User \"\" does not have permission to perform operation \"admin\" on resource \"emergencyDB\" of module \"null\" of application \"null\" of type \"ConnectionPool\" (class javax.management.MBeanException)",
      "State" : "Running",
      "StatementProfileCount" : 0,
      "Type" : "JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime",
      "VersionJDBCDriver" : "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver",
      "WaitSecondsHighCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionHighCount" : 0,
      "WorkManagerRuntimes" : null

JMS: Find all JMS Servers with Target set to Managed Server Running at localhost:7003


which returns the JMS server surfJMS:


JMS: Runtime Properties for a Particular Queue

Request the MessagesCurrentCount, MessagesHighCount and MessagesReceivedCount for a queue with the name jms/ShippingRequestQueue (note the “!” is used in the URL to escape the “/” character in the queue name) in a JMS module with the name surfJMSModule (note that JMS module and queue name are typically separated in the MBean Name attribute with a “!” which has to be escaped by another “!”).


which returns the following JSON structure.


The output for the queue monitoring shows that there was a total of 3 messages sent, with a maximum of 1 in the queue (because of a deployed receiver retrieving the messages immediately) and currently 0 message in the queue.